Hi Everyone!
Welcome to the Peachypinkpretty.My name is "EKTA NIGAM" and today I am writing my first blog post. New Year is coming and this is the right time to launch my blog. I was thinking for two years to start my blog but thinking it will be so late I did not know.
This blog is all about FASHION, BEAUTY, and LIFESTYLE. Whatever I know about fashion and beauty, I'll share that with you in my blog posts.
I also run my own YOUTUBE CHANNEL. If you want to become my family there also, then you can check it out.I hope you will like that as well. My you tube channel is also about fashion, beauty and all that stuff that you can relate to. The link is down below....
So this was my small a little bit introduction.I hope this blog will be helpful to you in the future. Until then I see you in the nest blog post. Thank you for visiting my post.
Good Bye!!